viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

producto integrador de ingles


Now I am 25 years old I am studying this weekend. But I can go wherever I want, I am studying general medicine and I have 3 years of my specialty left, Iam happy for what I have so far, I can have a boyfriend but I think I have not yet found the right one.

I can still play but now I am Reading, book started to draw my attention since 3rd grade and I have lost track of what I have read, I can go whith Friends. Speak two languages, one is english and the other is french, I have self-control, Isolve my problems very quickly, I know a Little computing, I take considerable notes, I have not repeated any subject, have an apartment that my parents pay and it is 20 minutes away. On campus I Will sometimes visit my family who is in my house or sometimes they come to see me, I wrote a letter toa friend from whom I have not eaten it sincethe last time I got sick that it was almost 1 month ago and I can prepare my food and I have been eating Little because i don not have so much free time to make a lot of food.

I have a fish and I can have it and it is not so difficult to care for, my brother is already grouting his career and my brother is already starting his own, I am going to the middle of my studies and it is a Little fun to have this experience of going to college and be independiente and when I finish I Will get a job and I Will be able to implement my level of studies, I only love working in a cafetería to help my parents with the payment of my departamento and even though I have a 50%scholarship I need to help you in some way.and I still dont know what awaits me but i know that I Will be well   

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“AUTOBIOGRAFIA” Me llamo Magali silva Rodríguez nací el 1 de septiembre   de 2004 en Metepec, tengo 2 hermanos uno mayor que se llama...